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Category: miniSipServer ( local )

SIP server for windows and Ubuntu system

A small thing: UPnP

A small thing: UPnP

When deploying a VoIP network, we often have one-way or no-way audio problems. It is caused by private network, for example, some SIP phones or miniSIPServer are behind routers and other SIP devices are in another different network which could be a private network or public network.

To resolve such problem, we often suggest to configure “forwarding ports” in routers manually. If you are familiar with routers, it is easy to do that.

But someone might not know how to do that, or someone might make mistake in router’s configuration. So we add a new feature in miniSIPServer to help that.

It is UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). UPnP can help miniSIPServer to map necessary ports automatically.

Firstly, you need confirm that your router can support UPnP and it has been enabled.

Then, you can click menu “Data – System” in miniSIPServer and enable the item “Enable UPnP to ask router to map ports”. Please refer to following figure.

UPnP configuration in miniSIPServer
UPnP configuration in miniSIPServer

By default, miniSIPServer will map SIP (over UDP) port and audio ports for relaying audio streams.

In another way, there is a limitation in routers. Most routers limit the number of UPnP ports, for example less than 30 ports. So if you are deploying a miniSIPServer for 50 clients or more, you will still have to configure “forwarding ports” manually.

miniSIPServer on Ubuntu 20.04

miniSIPServer on Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20.04 is the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version, so it is very important for miniSIPServer to support this platform.

Unfortunately, Ubuntu 20.04 has cut Qt4 and all its libraries, so we have to upgrade miniSIPServer to V37 (build 20200424) with Qt5. Now it is perfect to run miniSIPServer on Ubuntu 20.04. Please refer to following figure.

miniSIPServer on Ubuntu 20.04
miniSIPServer on Ubuntu 20.04

By the way, miniSIPServer for Windows will stay with Qt4 since we have to support several old Windows systems, such as XP and 7, and so on. In the future, as planed, V38 will say goodbye to Qt4 finally on all platforms.

miniSIPServer on Deepin 15.11

miniSIPServer on Deepin 15.11

Deepin is a very popular Linux distributor system in China market. It is very beautiful and easy to use. More and more software have been migrated to this system in China. As we know it is based on Debian system, we think it should be no problem to run miniSIPServer on it directly.

And it is true! Follow the online document, we can install and run miniSIPServer as same as what we do in Debian system.

miniSIPServer in Deepin market
miniSIPServer in Deepin market

Yes, this system is very beautiful. After install miniSIPServer, you can find it in its software market.

And it is very easy to run miniSIPServer.

miniSIPServer on Deepin 15.11
miniSIPServer on Deepin 15.11

Please enjoy it!

Monitor events in IVR call flow

Monitor events in IVR call flow

In miniSIPServer, we can use IVR-XML script to enable our own services, such as automatic-attendant. With previous IVR-XML set, ‘callto’ action will invoke a call to destination and finish the whole IVR process.

But if we want to monitor some events in the call flow, such as we want to check ‘busy’ event and change the IVR flow to a new action, what should we do?

Now V37 is released and a key feature is updated in IVR-XML. We can use ‘monitor-events’ in ‘callto’ action to monitor some events and change the call flow if they are caused.

For example, the ‘callto’ action can be configured as below.

<action method="callto" name="mainAction">
        <monitor-event detection="busy" nextaction="callto101"/>

In this example, if the call invoked by ‘callto’ action is busy, IVR procedure will be changed to next action ‘callto101’.

Please refer to IVR-XML document for more details about “monitor-events” element.

Above zip file is an example of new ‘callto’ action. You can save and unzip it into ‘xml’ sub-directory where miniSIPServer is installed and configure a new record to test it.

Configure miniSIPServer to trigger IVR-XML
Configure miniSIPServer to trigger IVR-XML
miniSIPServer on Debian 10

miniSIPServer on Debian 10

Debian 10 (Buster) is released. It is a stable and important version and can be deployed in business environment, so we must pay enough attention to this version.

We make some test with miniSIPServer on Debian 10. Now we are proud to announce that it is perfect to run miniSIPServer on the latest Debian system. Please refer to following figure.

miniSIPServer on Debian 10
miniSIPServer on Debian 10

You can update Debian source list, then download and install miniSIPServer. No more action!

Debian organization, Congratulation!

Maximum concurrent calls of local user

Maximum concurrent calls of local user

Previous miniSIPServer versions only limit “maximum concurrent outgoing calls”, and didn’t limit the total concurrent calls. Normally, it can fit most requirements since we think SIP phones or SIP clients should be able to limit their incoming calls. In recent days, some customers response that their SIP phones don’t have enough functions and hope miniSIPServer to be able to limit total concurrent calls of each SIP phone. To fit this requirement, we upgrade miniSIPServer to V34. Please refer to following figure.

Maximum concurrent calls
Maximum concurrent calls

You can configure “maximum concurrent calls” to be zero. In this strange scenario, the SIP phone will never receive call and cannot make any outgoing call. It is to be noted that “maximum concurrent outgoing calls” should be smaller than “maximum concurrent calls” because “maximum concurrent calls” limits both outgoing calls and incoming calls together.

Refined openAPI document

Refined openAPI document

miniSIPServer provides openAPI interfaces for customers who want to operate or manage miniSIPServer through their own systems.

Previous openAPI was stored in GitBook and has few interfaces. Now we migrate it back to our official website. Please refer to following document.

In this document, we provide many interfaces almost cover all necessary interfaces for basic calls, such as SIP trunk, external lines, routing, and so on.

Hope it can be helpful for your solution. If you need us to provide more interfaces, please contact us. All suggestions are appreciated.

Chain to next SIP trunk

Chain to next SIP trunk

Sometime, we may fail to make outgoing calls through SIP trunk if its service provider has some problem, such as no enough resources, and so on. If customers configure several SIP trunks and they are from different service providers, we can configure miniSIPServer to try another SIP trunk to continue outgoing calls.

In the SIP trunk “outgoing call” configuration, please configure a chained SIP trunk described in below figure.

Chain next SIP trunk
Configure chained SIP trunk for current SIP trunk

Trace on IP address

Trace on IP address

Previous miniSIPServer has a trace tool which is “trace all”. It can capture and trace all SIP calls which MSS receives or sends out. This tool is very useful when we build the VoIP network at the first step. But it is almost useless in an exist working environment.

It is dangerous to capture ALL SIP calls in a working system since there are too many SIP messages and inner information. By default, we can filter the call according to caller number or called number. In the recent V33 version, we disable “trace all” and replace it with “trace on IP address”. Please refer to following figure.

Trace on IP address
Trace on IP address

With this tool, we can capture a specific complete IP address, such as “”. We can also set a part of IP address to capture some SIP calls from some IP addresses, such as “10.0.0”, in this scenario, all SIP calls from IP addresses begin with “10.0.0” will be captured. By the way, we can also set IPv6 address with this tool.

Now you can see this tool can be used in both lab environment and working environment.

New LTS V32

New LTS V32

Finally, we release the latest LTS version V32. It has been a long time since we released the first V32 for test. During these months, we have updated web UI, GUI, SIP core and lots of items. This is a very exciting version and we will provide FIVE years tech support for it.

In another way, the latest stable version is V33 now. From this version, Linux (X86-32) systems will not be supported. New features and services will be developed on this version.

Hope you can enjoy these versions!