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Category: miniSipServer Cloud

PBX in cloud for small business

Some virtual servers changed

Some virtual servers changed

Some virtual servers in cloud-MSS system have been changed, please pay attention to these items.

STUN server

Each virtual SIP server will enable STUN feature. For example, if the SIP server address is “”, its STUN server can also be the same address. That means “” is also its STUN server address.

Now we suggest “” by default. It is a simple public STUN server for all virtual SIP servers. Of course, you can still configure your virtual SIP server address as your STUN server.

SMTP server

In voice-mail feature, we need a SMTP server to send emails with attached audio files. Each virtual SIP server can be configured with customers’ own SMTP servers. But we find it could make several problems. For example, most customers try to use Gmail SMTP server. Gmail SMTP server requires that you need enable POP/SMTP firstly, and grand other access. Most customers don’t know how to do that.

So we disable SMTP server configurations. All voice mails will be sent from our own SMTP server.  Most important is that you will need check your spam box if you cannot find voice email in ‘inbox’.

Refined SMTP library

Refined SMTP library

In voice mail feature, MSS need use SMTP library to send emails. Since MSS can embed Python script functions, it is easy to use Python-smtplib to send email. That’s what we done and it works well, we are satisfied with it.

But smtplib is too old ( in python 2.7) to fit some modem SMTP servers’ requirements. It also has a shortage. It is synchronous. That means it can block thread when sending a email, then its performance is poor and cannot fit our requirements in cloud system.

Something is changed, we want MSS to be better, so we develop a new SMTP library to send voice mails. This SMTP library is asynchronous and can work perfectly with most SMTP servers. And, it is written in C/C++ language.

We upgraded MSS V23 and cloud-MSS to replace python-smtplib with this new SMTP library.

Hope you can enjoy latest versions.

By the way, since MSS V23 has been released for several months and we got very better result, we think it is time to release new LTS version which is V24  and new stable version which is V25 in the end of this year or in the beginning of next year.

miniSIPServer V21 released!

miniSIPServer V21 released!

V21 is released today to support a new service: one number, multi-devices.

This service can enable MSS to accept several SIP phones with same local user’s number and authorization. And for incoming calls, all these phones will be ringing at the same time.

“One number” service looks like “ring group” feature. The difference is that “one number” service permits several SIP phones to share same local user profile, but “ring group” service requires SIP phones configured with different user profiles.

Please refer to following document for more details about this feature:

By the way, Cloud-MSS has been upgraded to support this feature too.

Hope you can enjoy it!

DNS problem

DNS problem

Yesterday our data center has a DNS problem. In fact, it seems its DNS system was crashed. It made our servers failed to register all external lines. Then cloud system detected that all external lines were configured with wrong configurations. To avoid sending spam messages to peer sides or peer voip providers, our system will cut all “wrong” configurations automatically.

That’s too BAD news!

We promise this problem will not happen again. All our servers have been upgraded to enable several DNS systems including Google DNS.

We are very sorry for this problem. If your external lines are off, please configure them back manually.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

activate STUN in csipsimple

activate STUN in csipsimple

csipsimple is a very good sip client software in Android, we often suggest our customers to use it if they want to deploy voip network with Android phones.

As we know, there are always one-way or no-way audio problem. To solve this problem, STUN should be configured in softphone. But some customers often response it is hard to set STUN in csipsimple.

In fact, it is easy to do that. Please follow below steps which are described in csipsimple website too:

(1) Go on setting Settings > Network – Tick “Use Stun” and fill a stun server on the field bellow. If you are cloud-mss subscriber, you can use your virtual server address as your STUN server too. Of course, you can use csipsimple default STUN server.

(2) You can also try to use ICE in addition to STUN if STUN alone doesn’t solve the problem : Settings > Network – Tick “Use ICE”.

Reseller for Cloud-MSS

Reseller for Cloud-MSS

Since cloud-mss is online, there are lots of customers ask us about reseller funciton. Thanks for their suggestions. We do some research on this topic and find it could be classified to two types:

(1) Some customers are professional communication providers for enterprises. They often install several cloud-mss servers for their own customers, so it is very useful if they can manage several nodes in one account.

(2) Some cutstomers provide SIP-PBX services for their local subscribers with their own domain names, so they not only want to manage several virtual sip-pbx nodes in one account, but also want to get more discount pricing.

We add ‘reseller’ function into cloud-mss system. It is free to register cloud-mss account and users can create and manage several cloud-mss nodes. Each node can be configured independantly just like common node.

If you are interesting in this topic, please take a try and feel free to contact us if you have any question or suggestion.

Please refer to our online document for more details:

Refine called number

Refine called number

V14.4 is updated to support a new feature in “dial plan” process. This feature is “refine called number”.

“Refine called number” can be used to refine called number before calls are routed to external lines or SIP trunks. It is the last chance to change called number to fit different requirements from peer VoIP servers.

For example, one of our customer has two VOIP accounts. One is from local provider, another is from international provider. These two VoIP providers have different number format requirements, and our customer only want to has one kind of dial plan for both of them. So we can configure “refine called number” to refine the final destination number to fit it. This scenario is illustrated below.


As described above, there are two VoIP accounts, and users need dial “90xxxx” to make outbound calls. “9” is MSS default outgoing call prefix. “0” is required by local VoIP provider. At the same time, the international VoIP provider requires that the number format should be “0086xxxx”.

After compare these number formats, we can find that we only need change prefix “0” to “0086” for international VoIP account.

Step 1: configure an independent “outgoing group ID” for international VoIP account

Please click menu “Data / External line” and select the account to edit, then please click “Outgoing call” tab and configure following item:

Outgoing group ID = 1

Step 2: configure “number transition”

We need configure a new record to change preifx “0” to “0086”. Please click menu “Dial plan / Transition” to add a new record:

Transition ID = 1
Transition type = Replace
Start position = 0
Length = 1
Replace string = 0086

Step 3: refine called number for specific outgoing group

Please click menu “Dial plan / Refine called number” to add a new record:

Outgoing group ID = 1 <== defined in step 1
Called number prefix = 0
Transition ID = 1 <== defined in step 2

Here we maybe have a problem: the called number prefix is “0”, why? why not analyze “9” prefix? It is because that “9” has been deleted in “analyze called number” procedure and the number has been changed to “0xxxx” before it is sent to external line or SIP trunk, so we should analyze prefix “0” to refine final called number.

Two external lines, how to use specific one by dialing different called number prefix?

Two external lines, how to use specific one by dialing different called number prefix?


One of our customers has two different VoIP accounts, for example (1) 1234 and (2) 5678. It is required to select account “1234” if users dial “9xxxx” numbers and select account “5678” if users dial “8xxxx” numbers. The final numbers should delete these prefix “9” or “8” and “xxxx” should be sent to VoIP providers.


We can use MSS powerful “dial plan” features to fit this requirement.

By default, MSS uses called number prefix “9” to distinguish outgoing calls to outsides. If there are several external lines and without any special configuration, MSS will select one of them in round-robin for each call. Now what we need do is to configure different called number prefix and select different external line for them.

Step 1: configure number transition

In this step, we need configure a record to delete number prefix “8” or “9” from called numbers. Please click menu “Dial plan / Transition” to add a record illustrated below.

Transition ID = 1
Transition type = delete
Start position = 0
Length = 1

Step 2: add new “Analyze called number” records

According to requirement, we need indicate MSS to analyze called number prefix “8” and “9” to use different specific external line. Please click menu “Dial plan / Analyze called number” to add two records.

Record 1: analyze called number prefix “9”

Dial plan = default
Called number prefix = 9
Route type = external line
Specific external line = 1234 <== use specific external line
Change called number = yes
Transition ID = 1 <== configured in step 1
Re-analyze after transition = no

Record 2: analyze called number prefix “8”

Dial plan = default
Called number prefix = 8
Route type = external line
Specific external line = 5678 <== use specific external line 
Change called number = yes
Transition ID = 1 <== configured in step 1
Re-analyze after transition = no