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Category: miniSipServer Cloud

PBX in cloud for small business

Upload customized audio file

Upload customized audio file

Cloud-MSS is upgraded to support uploading customized audio file.

In auto-attendant or voice-mail features, customers often hope to use their own audio files. It is very easy to replace system audio files in local-MSS. But in cloud-MSS, it has little problem, such as file transferred through internet, etc.

With the new version, customers can upload audio file through HTTP. Of course, the audio file should have the same format same with local-MSS required.

After sign into your cloud-MSS account, please follow the steps described in below figure:

Add system audio file into cloud-mss

We need mention that please be paitent because cloud-MSS will try to download the audio file from your HTTP URL immediately. It could be slow if the network is not very good.

SIP trunking with user name and password

SIP trunking with user name and password

Some VoIP providers support “SIP trunking” services, most of them require user name and password for authorization.

To work with such SIP trunking, we need configure “external lines” in miniSipServer to establish connection with the VoIP carriers’ server.

In the external line configuration, we can configure peer server address (or domain name) , user name and password for authorization of register process and call process.

Prepaid service in cloud communication

Prepaid service in cloud communication

We are proud to announce that cloud-miniSipServer is upgraded today to support “caller prepaid” feature.

“Caller prepaid” service is an important service in local-MSS and has been deployed around the world. More and more customers use it to build some simple virtual VoIP carriers system with this feature.

Now, we can setup it in cloud communication. “Call prepaid” service in cloud, looks like very exciting, right? We believe this feature will benefit our customers to extend their VoIP business.

It is so easy to be a virtual VoIP carrier, why not take a try? Please visit and sign up an account for free trial.

Cloud miniSipServer upgraded

Cloud miniSipServer upgraded

We upgrade cloud-miniSipServer to support “Dial plan” features. Customers can use these features to control the calls very flexibly. When you sign in your account, you will get “Dial plan” features in command list at the left side .

And the trial duration of each call for trial accounts has been upgraded from 30 seconds to 60 seconds according to most customers’ requirements.

Please enjoy it and have a good day!

Can miniSIPServer support G.729, iLBC, GSM audio codec, or video calls, and so on?

Can miniSIPServer support G.729, iLBC, GSM audio codec, or video calls, and so on?

We are often asked this question about audio codec or video calls. Some customers want to confirm whether miniSIPServer can work well with their SIP phones/clients who can support several audio codecs or video calls.

We often answer that it depends on their own SIP phones/clients. miniSIPServer, not matter local-miniSIPServer or cloud-miniSIPServer, doesn’t care media codec by default.

Why we say that?

Please have a look at following figure which describes a basic media process model of miniSIPServer in a normal basic call.

From this figure, we can see:

(1) miniSIPServer only controls call signals.

(2) Media stream is processed by the clients themselves.

This model will reduce the work-load of the server since all media streams are bypass server, so it is unnecessary for the server to support several media codecs.

But in some service scenarios, miniSIPServer need play audio to the SIP phones. For example, in auto-attendant or calling card services, miniSIPServer need prompt audio announcement and collect user input information. Obviously, miniSIPServer is required to support audio codecs in these scenarios.

That’s right. If miniSIPServer need process audio stream, it can support two audio codecs: G711a (PCMA) and G711u (PCMU).

By the way, after playing audio stream, the final media stream will be processed still in end-to-end model. Please refer to following media model of miniSIPServer for these scenarios:

Play audio stream
Why I cannot receive voice mail?

Why I cannot receive voice mail?

When some customers use miniSipServer cloud ( for local minisipserver, the same) to process their voice mail, but they are often confused why cannot receive voice mail in their email box.

In fact, we have an online document to describe how to use voice mail feature. Please refer to:

For MSS cloud, there is a little difference. First, MSS cloud doesn’t support MWI (message waiting indication), so it can only send voice messages to your email address. Sometimes, customers often forget to configure SMTP server information which is necessary for MSS cloud to send your voice mail, or they often forget to cofigure email address of specific extensions.

So let’s describe more details about these. Before this, I assume that you have signin into your MSS cloud account. If not, please sign-up one.

Step 1: configure SMTP server information

smtp configuration in mss cloud system

Please look at the figure. You need click “system information” linker, then fill your SMTP information there. By the way, for Gmail accounts, they are always required to configure secure connection.

If SMTP information are all right, MSS will use it to send voice mail.

Step 2: configure email address of extension

configure email address of extension

Please click “local users” linker and select or add one extension to edit. For voice mail feature, you must configure “eMail address” to make MSS cloud know where the voice mail should be sent to.

Of course, you also need configure “voice mail” service right to this local user / extension.

So after that, for no-answer incoming calls, MSS will prompt the caller party to leave messages and save/mail them to the user’s email address.

miniSipServer cloud released

miniSipServer cloud released

We are very glad to announce that miniSipServer cloud is released today.

“miniSipServer cloud” is one kind of host-pbx service for small business and customers can add more or reduce communication capabilities according to their real requirements. It is very flexible.

Customers will not need to setup local sip server or pbx. It is in cloud and it is FREE to try as many times as you want.

“miniSipServer cloud” is built with miniSipServer and Amazon EC2.  It is the beginning of our cloud-communication. It is so great and we decide to assign “” to it. so you can begin to try the latest cloud-pbx at following linker: