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Tag: URI

the tel URI

the tel URI

As we known, the VoIP (SIP) domain always uses SIP URI to establish call sessions. To work with traditional PSTN networks, we need gateways (or SBC) to bridge two networks. Most of these gateways can support SIP URI, so we can always use SIP trunk to estanlish connections between VoIP and PSTN with SIP URIs which are as same as connections between VoIP domains.

But some gateways cannot support SIP URIs, they can only accept traditional telephone numbers which are the tel URIs defined in RFC3966. The URI is in “<tel: xxx>” format, not in “<sip:name@address>”format. Please refer to the figure below.

the tel URI network

miniSIPServer can always accept the tel URI from peer sides, but never send out the tel URI. In recent months, several customers ask us to support sending out the tel URI through SIP trunks to work with some PSTN gateways. So we upgrade miniSIPServer to V60 (build 20250208) to update the SIP trunk functions. In the “outgoing call” of SIP trunk, we can select “Use the tel URI” item, then miniSIPServer will use <tel> URI to make outgoing calls for the SIP trunk.

the tel URI configuration of SIP trunk in miniSIPServer.

For incoming calls of the SIP trunk, it is unnecessary to configure anything since miniSIPServer can accept both SIP URI and TEL URI.

RequestURI parameter of external lines

RequestURI parameter of external lines

When miniSIPServer sends out SIP messages, such as REGISTER or INVITE messages, to VoIP providers, it will add a parameter ‘user=phone’ after Request-URI. It is required by China Mobile network. In most scenarios, it is no problem since URI parameters are defined in RFC3261.

But unfortunately, some customers recently reported us that their miniSIPServers failed to connect to their VoIP providers because these providers’ servers cannot recognize parameters of Request-URI. Of course, the easy way is that the VoIP providers upgrade their servers to fit RFC3261, then everybody will be comfortable.

Some of them insist on their status and refuse to make any change. Then we have to make a change in external lines’ configuration. Please refer to the figure below.

Additional parameter of Request URI configuration

We add a new item “additional parameter of Request URI” in external lines’ outgoing call configuration. Then customers can control the parameter according to their real network environments.

In another way, if the GUI is in Chinese which means the customer might configure miniSIPServer for China networks, the default value of such item will be “user=phone”. Otherwise, its default value is blank. We think it will flexibly fit the network requirements around the world.