由于观网的报道没有给出原文的链接,因此上网找了找,大概是《好莱坞报道》的一篇文章(原文链接)“‘Fight Club’ Author Chuck Palahniuk Says China’s Censored Ending Is Actually Truer to His Vision”。
The author later gave an interview to TMZ in which he pointed out that the altered Chinese ending is actually somewhat closer to how his book concluded.
“The irony is that the way the Chinese have changed it is they’ve aligned the ending almost exactly with the ending of the book, as opposed to Fincher’s ending, which was the more spectacular visual ending,” he said. “So in a way, the Chinese brought the movie back to the book a little bit.”
Palahniuk 认为美国电影的结尾“spectacular”,比较壮观、场面比较大,而中国(腾讯)的结尾稍稍接近一点(a little bit)他的原著。从作者这个描述看,似乎对两个版本的修改都不满意。
微博太君们最喜欢引用的是 Palahniuk 在推特上的一句话,该报道开篇也有提及:
Have You Seen This Sh*t? This is SUPER wonderful! Everyone gets a happy ending in China!
What I find really interesting is that my books are heavily banned throughout the U.S.,
A lot of my overseas publishers have edited the novel so the novel ends the way the movie ends,” he said. “So I’ve been dealing with this kind of revision for like 25 years