IP address black & white list

1. Description

When we deploy VoIP system in public networks, miniSIPServer is often attacked by some hackers. To defend that, we want to block all SIP packages from specific IP address directly to protect the system.

In another way, we can also trust all SIP packages from some special IP addresses, for example, from VoIP gateways, or from enterprise private network, and so on.

With "IP address black & white list" feature, we can trust some IP addresses and block other IP addresses. If an IP address is in black list, miniSIPServer will discard all SIP packages from such address directly. If an IP address is in white address, miniSIPServer will disable "fail to ban" and accept SIP packages from it.

2. Configuration

Please click menu "Services - IP address black&white list" to configure this feature.

IP address BW list configuration dialog.

Below table describes the key items of this configuraiton.

Item Value
IP address IP address which is in black list or white list. It can be IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
Action miniSIPServer action on this IP address.
"Accept" means the IP address is in white list and miniSIPServer will accept all SIP packages from it.
"Reject" means the IP address is in black list and miniSIPServer will reject all SIP packages directly from it.