The miniSIPServer open API enables developers to build their own interfaces to configure or manage miniSIPServer. All API are web interface and read only GET requests.
Because miniSIPServer uses web services to provide API interfaces, we need start miniSIPServer web system firstly. Please read the document to get more details about miniSIPServer web system.
The API set is based on the latest miniSIPServer.
Back to indexJSON is default format for all API query string and their response results.
All API methods provided in this document have following path format:
The full url will be:
"object" is the target configuration item. For example, it can be 'localuser' if you want to add or delete a local user.
"operation" is the action on such "object". At this time, it can be "query", "delete", "set", and so on. It is optional. If there isn't "operation" in request URI, that means "query" by default. Here are some examples:
Example 1: query miniSIPServer version
Example 2: add a new local user
All APIs MUST have an API key which is miniSIPServer administrator password. You can use this API key as the 'syskey' parameter.
The following parameter is used in all API requests.
Name | Required | Description |
syskey | required | Administrator password of miniSIPServer. miniSIPServer web services will check this parameter for all requests. |
In miniSIPServer main window, please click menu "Data - System" and configure "Administrator password" described in below figure.
It is used to request miniSIPServer version.
This method doesn't require additional parameter except common API parameter.
Name | Description |
verInfo | miniSIPServer version information. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/version?{"syskey":"1234"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update system informations.
The "operation" can be following items:
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
admpwd | string | System administrator password |
cdrcallerusr | bool | Caller user CDR |
cdrcalledusr | bool | Callee user CDR |
cdrcallerextline | bool | Caller external line CDR |
cdrcalledextline | bool | Callee external line CDR |
cdrfailcall | bool | Generate fail calls' CDR |
cdroutput | bool | Save CDR records into local files |
cdrshow | bool | Show real-time CDR records |
dbaddr | string | MySQL server address |
dbname | string | Database name in MySQL server |
dbport | integer | MySQL server visit port |
dbpwd | string | User's password to visit MySQL database |
dbusr | string | User name to visit MySQL database |
evtChannelPort | integer | Event channel port |
httpport | integer | HTTP server port |
ogpfx | string | Outgroup call prefix |
publicaddr | string | SIP server public address, it could be a domain name. |
realm | string | SIP domain realm |
rtpport | integer | RTP start port |
rtType | integer | Default route type.
sipaddr | string | SIP server local address(IPv4) |
sipaddr6 | string | SIP server local address(IPv6) |
sipport | integer | SIP server UDP port |
smtppwd | string | User's password to visit SMTP server |
smtpserv | string | SMTP server |
smtptls | bool | The SMTP server is required TLS connection or not |
smtpusr | string | User name to visit SMTP server |
srfannlang | integer | Voice languages |
stunaddr1 | string | Primary STUN server address |
stunaddr2 | string | Second STUN server address |
stunport1 | integer | Primary STUN server port |
stunport2 | integer | Second STUN server port |
tcpport | integer | SIP server TCP port |
tlsport | integer | SIP server TLS port |
Sample request:
It is better to query system information firstly, then modify the items you want and update them back to miniSIPServer through this interface.
Back to indexThese interfaces are used to query or update local user's configuration.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return the first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/localuser/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
usrname | string | local user name |
description | string | description of current local user |
dispname | string | display name |
addr | string | Current user's address |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
usrname | string | local user name to be queried |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/localuser/query?{"syskey":"1234", "usrname":"100"}
Name | Type | Description |
usrname | string | local user name to be queried |
usrpwd | string | local user's password |
description | string | description of current local user |
right_ipauth | integer | IP address authorization indicator |
addr | string | IP address of current user |
port | integer | Port of current user |
state | integer | local user's state |
right_aa | integer | auto-attendant service right |
right_rg | integer | ring group service right |
right_sup_rg | integer | "suppress ring group if receives incoming call directly" service right |
ringgrpid | integer | ring group ID |
right_pickup | integer | "pick up" service right |
pickupgrpid | integer | "pick up" group ID |
right_park | integer | "call park" service right |
right_retrieve | integer | "call retrieve" service right |
right_cw | integer | "call waiting" service right |
fmtype | integer | Follow-me strategy |
fminterval | integer | interval timer in follow-me service |
fmdesta | string | destination A of follow-me service |
fmdestb | string | destination B of follow-me service |
fmdestc | string | destination C of follow-me service |
enddate | integer | End date |
dialPlan | string | dial plan |
dispname | string | display name |
specextline | string | Specific external line for out-group calls |
maxdura | integer | maximum duration |
maxcall | integer | maximum concurrent calls |
momaxcall | integer | maximum concurrent outgoing calls |
calllevel | integer | call level |
right_cfu | integer | "call forward unconditional (CFU)" service right |
cfunbr | string | CFU number |
right_cfnc | integer | "call forward on not connected/unreachable (CFNC)" service right |
cfncnbr | string | CFNC number |
right_cfb | integer | "call forward on busy (CFB)" service right |
cfbnbr | string | CFB number |
right_cfna | integer | "call forward on no-answer (CFNA)" service right |
cfnanbr | string | CFNA number |
cfnatmr | integer | No-answer timer value |
right_vms | integer | "voice mail" service right |
vmannid | integer | voice mail announcement ID |
string | e-mail address | |
right_prepaid | integer | "caller prepaid" service right |
right_subpre | integer | "presence of dialog presence" service right |
presgrpid | integer | presence group ID |
right_clrid | integer | "caller-id with name" service right |
right_moh | integer | "music on hold" service right |
right_relay | integer | "relay media stream" service right |
right_oli | integer | record outgoing calls |
right_tli | integer | record incoming calls |
tcID | integer | Time condition ID. |
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
usrname | string | local user name to be deleted |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/localuser/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "usrname":"100"}
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
usrname | string | local user name to be configured |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return results in chapter "query".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/localuser/set?{"syskey":"1234", "usrname":"100", "usrpwd":"100"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update external line's configuration.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require an optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return the first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/extline/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
extLine | string | External line name / number |
description | string | Description of this record |
host | string | Server address |
port | integer | Server port |
localUser | string | Destination number for incoming calls. |
transport | integer | Transport type, such as UDP, TCP. |
state | integer | State of this line. |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
extLine | string | Name of the external line to be queried. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/extline/query?{"syskey":"1234", "extLine":"5678"}
Name | Type | Description |
extLine | string | external line to be queried |
state | integer | State of the line. 0 - the line is not registered. 1 - idle. 2 - ringing or alerting 3 - talking |
host | string | Server or gateway address |
port | integer | Server or gateway port |
localUser | string | Destination number for incoming calls. |
type | integer | External line type. 0 - Connect to peer VoIP/SIP server 1 - Connect to FXO gateway |
password | string | Authorization password. |
authID | string | Authorization ID. |
maxDur | integer | Maximum call duration. By default, "0" means no limitation. |
chain | string | Chained line. If current line is failed to make outgoing calls, try its chained line. |
transport | integer | Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. |
ogGroupID | integer | Outgoing group ID. |
maxMOCalls | integer | Maximum concurrent outgoing calls. Default value is 20. |
otcID | integer | Time condition ID of outgoing calls. |
noAnsTimer | integer | No answer timer. |
description | string | Description of this record. |
maxCalls | integer | Maximum concurrent calls. |
aaInd | integer | Automatic attendant indicator. |
outbandInd | integer | Send calls through outband proxy. |
outbandServer | string | Outband server or proxy address. |
outbandPort | integer | Outband server or proxy port. |
shareInd | integer | Indicator that this line can be shared by other local users. |
origCallerNbr | integer | Indicator that user original caller number. |
authidWithAddrInd | integer | Indicator that the authorization ID should include address information. |
reInviteInd | integer | Indicator that the line cannot support reINVITE operation. |
donotRegInd | integer | Indicator that unnecessary to register. |
incomingLI | integer | Indicator that record incoming calls. |
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
extLine | string | External line to be deleted |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/extline/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "extLine":"5678"}
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
extLine | string | External line to be configured. |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return results in chapter "query".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/extline/set?{"syskey":"1234", "extLine":"5678", "host":""}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update SIP trunk's configuration.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require an optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return the first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/peerserver/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
servID | integer | SIP trunk ID |
desc | string | Description |
servAddr | string | Server address |
servPort | integer | Server port |
transport | integer | IP transport, it is UDP or TCP. |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
servID | integer | SIP trunk ID of the SIP trunk to be queried. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/peerserver/query?{"syskey":"1234", "servID":1}
Name | Type | Description |
servID | integer | SIP trunk ID |
desc | string | Description |
servAddr | string | Server address |
servPort | integer | Server port |
callerID | string | Caller ID in outgoing calls. |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan for incoming calls. |
transport | integer | IP transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. |
ogGroupID | integer | Outgoing group ID |
otcID | integer | Time condition ID for outgoing calls. |
oMaxCalls | integer | Maximum concurrent outgoing calls. |
iMaxCalls | integer | Maximum concurrent incoming calls. |
orelayMediaInd | integer | Indicator that relaying media stream for outgoing calls. |
chainTrunkID | integer | Next trunk ID if currnet trunk is failed to make outgoing calls. |
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
servID | integer | ID of the SIP trunk to be deleted. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/peerserver/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "servID":1}
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
servID | integer | ID of the SIP trunk to be configured. |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return results in chapter "query".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/peerserver/set?{"syskey":"1234", "servID":1, "servAddr":"", "servPort":5678}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update group configuration in routing group.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require an optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return the first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/routegroup/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
description | string | Description of the record |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/routegroup/query?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1}
All values are as same as the result of list result.
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/routegroup/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1}
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return results in chapter "List".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/routegroup/set?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1, "description":"to NY"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update routing configuration in routing group.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require an optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return the first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/route/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Routing group ID |
routeType | integer | Routing type. 1 - external line, 2 - SIP trunk. |
sipTrunkID | integer | SIP trunk ID if routeType is "SIP trunk" |
extLine | string | External line if routeType is "external line" |
Following parameters are required:
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Routing group ID |
routeType | integer | Routing type |
sipTrunkID | integer | SIP trunk ID |
extLine | string | External line |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/route/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1, "routeType":1, "extLine":"eee", "sipTrunkID":0}
All parameters defined in the return values of chapter "List" are required.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/route/add?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1, "routeType":1, "extLine":"eee", "sipTrunkID":0}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "Transition" records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
tranID | integer | Transition ID |
type | integer | Transition type, 1 - Add, 2 - Replace, 3 - Delete. |
tranStart | integer | Start position. |
tranLen | integer | Length |
prefix | string | Prefix or replace string |
description | string | Description |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
tranID | integer | Transition ID |
Sample request:
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
tranID | integer | Transition ID |
Sample request:
All parameters defined in the return values of "List" are required.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/natran/set?{"syskey":"1234", "tranID":101, "type":2, "tranStart":0, "tranLen":3,"prefix":"0105678","description":"demo record"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "Refine caller number" records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | Group ID |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
tranID | integer | Transition ID |
description | string | Description |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | Group ID |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refineclrnbr/query?{"syskey":"1234","grpID":1, "callerNbr":"1"}
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | Group ID |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refineclrnbr/delete?{"syskey":"1234","grpID":1, "callerNbr":"1"}
All parameters defined in the return values of "List" are required.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refineclrnbr/set?{"syskey":"1234", "grpID":1, "callerNbr":"1", "tranID":1,"description":"demo record"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "Refine called number" records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
calledPrefix | string | Called number prefix |
transID | integer | Transition ID |
description | string | Description |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
calledPrefix | string | Called number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refinecldnbr/query?{"syskey":"1234","groupID":1, "calledPrefix":"1"}
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
groupID | integer | Group ID |
calledPrefix | string | Called number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refinecldnbr/delete?{"syskey":"1234","groupID":1, "calledPrefix":"1"}
All parameters defined in the return values of "List" are required.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/refinecldnbr/set?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1, "calledPrefix":"1", "transID":1,"description":"demo record"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "Analyze caller number" records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
description | string | Description |
tranID | integer | Transition ID |
dialPlan | string | New dial plan |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/anaclrnbr/query?{"syskey":"1234", "callerNbr":"1"}
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | Caller number prefix |
Sample request:
All parameters defined in the return values of "List" are required.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/anaclrnbr/set?{"syskey":"1234", "groupID":1, "callerNbr":"1","description":"demo record", "dialPlan":"default","tranID": 1}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "Analyze called number" records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number prefix |
description | string | Description |
routeType | integer | Route type. 0 - Local user 1 - External line 2 - SIP trunk 4 - Intercept 6 - Routing group |
servID | integer | SIP trunk ID. If route type is "SIP trunk", this item MUST be configured. |
extLine | string | Specific external line |
rtGroupID | integer | Routing group ID. If route type is "Routing group", this item MUST be configured. |
changeInd | integer | Indicator that change called number |
tranID | integer | Transition ID for changing called number. |
reAnaInd | integer | Analyze called number again if it is changed. |
clrRefineID | integer | Group ID of refining caller number |
maxDuration | integer | Maximum call duration |
callLevel | integer | Call level |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/anacldnbr/query?{"syskey":"1234", "dialPlan":"default", "calledNbr":"1"}
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number prefix |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/anacldnbr/delete?{"syskey":"1234", "dialPlan":"default", "calledNbr":"1"}
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number prefix |
Other parameters defined in the return values of "List" are optional.
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/anacldnbr/set?{"syskey":"1234","dialPlan":"default", "calledNbr":"1", "description":"demo record","routeType":0}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update "speed dial" service records.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | caller number |
dialedNbr | string | dialed number |
desc | string | description of record |
destNbr | string | Final destination number |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | caller number. |
dialedNbr | string | dialed number. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/speeddial/query?{"syskey":"1234","callerNbr":"1", "dialedNbr":"1"}
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | caller number |
dialedNbr | string | dialed number |
desc | string | description of record |
destNbr | string | Final destination number |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | caller number. |
dialedNbr | string | dialed number. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/speeddial/delete?{"syskey":"1234","callerNbr":"1", "dialedNbr":"1"}
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
callerNbr | string | caller number. |
dialedNbr | string | dialed number. |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return results in chapter "Query".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/speeddial/set?{"syskey":"1234", "callerNbr":"3", "dialedNbr":"3", "desc":"demo record", "destNbr":"333"}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update group records in hunting-group service.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require optional parameter:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hginfo/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | group ID |
desc | string | description of record |
strategy | integer | hunting-group strategy |
noAnsTmr | integer | operator no-answer timer (seconds) |
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | group ID |
Sample request:
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | group ID |
desc | string | description of record |
strategy | integer | hunt-group strategy: 1-round robin; 2-linear. |
noAnsTmr | integer | operator no-answer timer (seconds) |
queueInd | integer | Put the call into queue if all operators are busy. |
maxCall | integer | Maximum call counts in queue. |
maxDura | integer | Maximum waiting duration (seconds) |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | group ID |
Sample request:
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
grpID | integer | group ID |
strategy | integer | hunt-group strategy. |
Other parameters are optional and defined as same as the return result in chapter "Query".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hginfo/set?{"syskey":"1234", "grpID":1,"strategy":1}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update operators records in hunting-group service.
The "operation" can be following items:
This interface might require a parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hgoper/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
oper | string | Operator number |
grpID | integer | Group ID |
autoInd | integer | Login group automatically when login system |
Following parameter is required :
Name | Type | Description |
oper | string | Operator number |
Sample request:
All parameters are mandatory and defined as same as the return result in chapter "List".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hgoper/set?{"syskey":"1234","oper":"100","grpID":1,"autoInd":1}Back to index
These interfaces are used to query or update detection records in hunting-group service.
The "operation" can be following items:
Name | Type | Description |
pageIndex | integer | By default, miniSIPServer will return at most 20 records. If there are more records, we can indicate this parameter to return related result. The default value is zero, that means return first 20 records. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hgdect/list?{"syskey":"1234", "pageIndex":0}
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number |
grpID | integer | Group ID |
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number |
Sample request:
All return values are as same as the result in chapter "List".
Following parameters are required :
Name | Type | Description |
dialPlan | string | Dial plan |
calledNbr | string | Called number |
Sample request:
All parameters are mandatory and defined as same as the return result in chapter "List".
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/hgdect/set?{"syskey":"1234","dialPlan":"default","calledNbr":"5678","grpID":1}Back to index
Session APIs are used to modify or update even delete a SIP session in miniSIPServer.
Following parameter is required:
Name | Type | Description |
number | string | local user number or outside number. miniSIPServer will drop a call according to this number. |
Sample request:
http://localhost:8080/openapi/session/release?{"syskey":"1234", "number":"100"}Back to index